Requirements for publications
To submit materials for publication authors should send the text of their report
to e-mail:
until 10 June 2022.
IMPORTANT: Materials are published on condition that their content corresponds to the topic of the conference, that the deadlines for submitting materials are met, and that the design meets the established requirements. The collection contains original, previously unpublished articles.

Please indicate the track number to which your article refers.
2022 theme: Strategic directions of transformation and new development models
Track 1: STRATEGY/Strategy for the development of University Ecosystems
Track 2: DIGITAL/Digital transformation and import dependence
of the University
Track 3: EDUCATION/Changing Paradigms of University Education
Track 4: SCIENCE/Science in the sustainable development of the economy
Track 5: ENLIGHTENMENT/Enlightenment in the era of Transformation
Articles should be written in MS Word 2003-2016 text editor and edited strictly according to the following parameters:

1. Recommended volume of materials: up to 8 typewritten pages (0.5 p.l.).
Article volume should be not less than 5 pages, including abstract, keywords, tables, figures and references.

2. Materials should be submitted as follows
- page size – A4;
- sheet orientation-bookish;
- font Times New Roman;
- font size for all items except tables - 14 pt;
- font size for tables - 12 pt;
- line spacing - 1.5;
- alignment on the page width;
- indent - 1 cm (without the use of "the Tab" key or the "Space").

Is not permitted:
- pagination;
- use the text page breaks;
- the use of automatic paged links;
- the use of automatic hyphenation;
- the use a low-density or compacted letter spacing.

3. The tables are typed in MS Word. Tables should have numbers and names, which must be listed on the tables.

Graphic material (Paintings, drawings, diagrams, photographs) should be a summary of research materials. Graphic material should be of high quality, if necessary, the publisher may require to provide the material in separate files in jpg format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. The names and numbers of graphic material should be listed under the image.

Formulas and mathematical symbols should be made either in MS Word using the built-in equation editor or MathType Editor.

Tables, graphic material and formulas should not exceed the specified fields.

Keywords (in Russian and English) – are required and must contain 5-10 words and phrases. Keywords and phrases should be separated by a comma. These keywords should very accurately reflect the subject area of the study.

Abstract (in Russian and English) – is obligatory. Recommended average volume of abstracts should contain 500 symbols, and should briefly reflect the structure of the article and be informative.

Author's information should contain: name, surname, patronymic, position, academic degree and place of work. This information should be presented in Russian and English languages and be located at the end of the article after the list of references.

List of references is required and must include all the works used by the author. The editors motivate writers to work with modern information sources (not later than 2 years old), because the reference to the outdated literary sources is remarked by international experts, and causes doubt about the relevance of the material presented in the article. If there is no list of references when loading paper into the and other services the paper is automatically marked as unscientific and falls into the category of "uncertain"(UNK).

4. Registration:
- footnotes (for literature) are printed inside the article in square brackets after the quotation, (first goes the source number, and then, after the comma-the page number);
- references to several sources with page indication are separated by semicolons.
- formulas must be printed in the formula editor, the formula size must match the font of the main text;
- tables and figures should be clear and legible;
- tables are executed only in the MS Word editor (it is unacceptable to import them from other editors), captions go above the table in the center;
- captions to figures are centered below the figures;
- the order of the literature in the list of sources corresponds to its appearance in the main text.

5. The page number is located in the middle at the top, size 15 pt.

6. The article should be checked for plagiarism. Confirmation thereof should be attached to the article. Papers to be admitted for publication should have originality index of not less than 80%.
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